Bollywood actor Bobby Deol likes to keep his personal life low-key. While many star kids are at the front page of newspapers before even making their acting debut, Bobby’s sons Aryaman and Dharam stays away from limelight. In a recent interview, Bobby confirmed that his lads will become actors but he would want them to lead a normal life away from glamor and glitz. The actor also said that he is super proud on his sons who are still studying.
‘I don’t want them to go ahead with glamour’
Bobby explained why he has kept his children away from the media.He said, “Aryaman and Dharam are normal children, I want them to live a normal life. They are not special, they are normal. I don’t want them to go ahead with glamor because it can take you away from things. This is the reason why we are like this. That’s how I was brought up. (Also) they are shy they don’t want to get clicked by paps.”
‘I’m so proud of them’
Bobby further said, “They will become actors. But they are studying now. My sons are graduating from New York University. I am so proud of them for putting in all their efforts to educate themselves.They have not achieved things easily. I am quite happy.”
Bobby Deol is an admirer of Ranbir Kapoor
Bobby also heaped praises on Ranbir and said, “I am a big fan of Ranbir. He is an amazing actor. It is wonderful and fun working with him. Sandeep brings forth such characters which humans do not like to show.”
After creating waves with his portrayal of godman ‘Baba Nirala’ in Prakash Jha-directed web series ‘Aashram’, Bobby Deol will next star in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s ‘Animal’ alongside Ranbir Kapoor, Rashmika Mandanna and Anil Kapoor.