By: Richa Goel
Planning for the first date and getting nervous? Well, it can be fun and exciting, depending upon “YOU”; the initiatives you are taking to connect with each other. Have you planned out something or still searching for the ways how to impress your partner? Well, if you are going for the first date and keen to know how to react, here are some key points a partner should keep in mind while going for the first date. Remember, you should focus on spending quality of time instead of quantity of time. Someone said it right- The first impression is the last impression. Make the best use of time and aims to hit the person for another meeting.

Here, it goes-
- Carry a small token of love- A small gift, chocolates, greeting cards or flowers for the partner will show your affection and kind gesture. What could be more amazing than starting your day with a wide smile on your partner’s face? Memories are something that lasts forever.
2. Make them feel comfortable– Please do not offend your partner by asking awkward or personal questions. Start conversation with the hobbies, likes, dislikes, friends, family, career, workplace etc.

3. Choose a cozy place– You should plan out where to go instead of selecting random places. The place should not be too dark or too noisy with loud music that you can’t even see and hear each other. Go to a café with proper lightings and a soothing atmosphere.

4. Share your experiences– Try to get open up with your partner by sharing your experiences, make them laugh as sharing makes bond stronger.
5. Be a good listener– Do not make your date boring, one side talk always loses the interest of the other partner. So, give the chance to your partner also to speak and express their point of view.

6. Focus on your partner instead of laptops and mobiles– Mobiles are the priorities in everybody’s life but should be kept aside when it comes to your partner. Do not make them feel ignorant; these small things may offend the other person.
7. Do not act as a Dominating partner– For God’s sake; don’t start your list of expectations from your partner. A partner should be caring, loving, understanding and the one who respects you. You should not consider a partner as a servant who will fulfill your desires.
8. Do not sound desperate– Please do not try to get close to your partner that he/she may regret meeting you. Do not try to get physical, as they may feel uncomfortable.
9. Do not be over-anxious– It’s okay to feel a little nervous when you meet someone for the first time. But take your time, make yourself comfortable and try to gain trust by doing easy-go-on-mode talks.
10. Do not forget to drop her safely back home– The most important thing is that your partner reaches their respective home safely. Drop them to their home or safe place.
In the end what matters the most is finding a suitable partner who matches your understanding level. If you find that partner which is suitable for you never ever let that person go. Remember basic words like thank you, sorry, please. Use these words politely, not for just the sake of saying. Spend quality time with each other so that you may have memories to cherish in the future!
Wishing You Happy Times With Your Loved Ones!