Bollywood entertainer Rhea Chakraborty who is the prime charged in Sushant Singh Rajput’s passing case got captured last night by the Narccotics Control Bureau, a case not connected to his demise. Following three days of scrutinizing the entertainer was captured and after Chief Metropolitan Magistrate’s Court dismissed Rhea’s bail supplication she was sent to legal care until September 22. Also, presently her capture has broken a major discussion via online media. Where a few Bollywood stars turned out in her help and began drifting #justiceforrhea, the individuals who are requesting equity for Sushant have considered this their triumph.

Vikas Gupta is among one of them as the renowned maker is continually supporting Sushant’s family and looking for equity for his lost companion. Discussing the male centric society pattern to help Rhea, Vikas called it ‘Counterfeit Feminism’ which went poorly with Bigg Boss 5 challenger Siddharth Bhardwaj who bounced in to have a major contention over it with him. The battle bothered to a degree that the two began assaulting each other actually.
Everything began when Vikas shared a post by Suchitra Krishnamoorthi soliciting supporters from Rhea to come out and spill the names of the individuals who are included, while asking how this is abruptly an instance of male controlled society? Sharing it on his page Vikas tweeted, “Weed is being made as casual as bubblegum which it isn’t & double standard of #FakeFeminism brigade shows their reality. CBI is yet to disclose what happened to #SushantSinghRajput till then @suchitrak has quite appropriately tweeted on #Patriarchy & #RheaChakraborty Please Read.”

To which Siddharth who is additionally now looking for equity for Rhea on his web-based media answered,”How many parties have you been in where people are doing coke very casually??did you walk out of there ?? Did you call the cops on them!!?? Let’s not even get know what you are trying to sell here and it is costing somebody their entire life!!”
Vikas who found his tweet offended wrote, “Actually I have never been to a party as such where people are doing coke and have let me know the same Sid because they do know my reputation that I might spoil the party. So they don’t invite me. That probably is the reason why you & I have never hung out as well #VG”.
Siddharth reverted on this by saying, “We never hung out cause hanging out in the Marriott spa with you was never my idea or need !! However there are a few you hung out with and they would be happy to testify..there are other ways of gaining publicity then someone’s death and a girl’s life..don’t stoop so low.”
Vikas came up with an even stronger reaction to this allegation and said, ” when people like you have nothing else this is the best you can come up with. Attack on my personal life. You think you can shame me into silence & for my sexuality. Idiot I am not closeted like your friends. So it’s your gang trying to threaten me. Darr gaya main #VG”. & Sid you should be ashamed of yourself. I am the same guy who you thanked cause of my 2 hour lecture I gave you of wasting your life and not focusing on Your health and appearance. WAITING FOR AT LEAST ONE NAME WHO IS GOING TO TESTIFY. Really you are threatening me about your friends testifying against me for playing ludo in Marriot Spa. Say it here loud and clear and names of your friends if there is any truth in it. Names and what crime are they testifying for. I AM WAITING.”
Siddharth defending himself replied to Vikas, “It is not the sexuality I have a problem with!it is the MENTALITY!!you can sleep with goats for all I care buddy,it is your life..get over self victimisation!It is 2020 the sexuality card is freaking old BRO! Also, Your whole justice game is about getting followers as you see that is where the majority is inclined towards BUT this time there are other people’s lives involved and I never thought you would go this low for the sake of followers and attention.”