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Facelift: Your Ultimate Weapon to Fight Aging

Too much stress, not enough sleep, a long-term diet of takeout and alcohol: are the causes that make us age faster than we would like. However, you can do one simple thing to halt the process called “aging:” learn how to facelift!

Fighting aging has never been easier. There are countless facial exercises and easy do-it-yourself tutorials online that you can use to reduce wrinkles, treat skin imperfections and anti-age your face.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is a procedure that corrects facial imperfections, like folds and wrinkles. It restores the normal contours of a person’s face by cutting excess skin and tightening the skin on the face. It is also called “wrinkle repair surgery” or “facial rejuvenation.” Your face undergoes this procedure to undo all that damage done by your lifestyle. Because of its effectiveness, most people prefer having their facelifts done abroad in countries where medical tourism is common.

Who Should Have a Facelift?

Anyone bothered by the visible signs of aging on their face- fine lines, wrinkles and saggy skin- can consider a facial rejuvenation procedure. Facelifts are not only for those already old; even teenagers with skin blemishes can have this cosmetic procedure done. Your face reflects your lifestyle, so if you want to be young and beautiful, you have to take care of it. More information on this procedure and an expert opinion can be found here.

Types of Facelifts

There are basically three types of facelifts:

Mini Facelift:

A mini facelift is the most popular of all facelifts. It is a procedure that removes wrinkles and sags from the lower half of the face by removing fat pads in those areas and tightening the skin around the eyes. You will have no scars left after this treatment. Instead, you can expect to have smoother skin, a more youthful look, and minimal loss from the amount of volume on your cheeks. Sometimes, mini facelifts are not enough for some people to achieve their desired look. In such cases, full-face facelifts are performed instead.

Mid Facelift:

If a mini facelift is designed to correct imperfections in the lower half of your face and neck, then a mid-facelift tends to do just that for the upper half of your face and neck. This facelift procedure can give your eyes a wide-awake look and make you seem less tired than before. It also removes wrinkles on the upper half of your face by tightening the skin.

Deep Plane Facelift:

The deep plane facelift is the most intensive of all facelifts. It removes skin on your entire face, including the neck, and excess fat from the cheeks. By removing fat and tightening the skin on your upper face, you will be able to achieve a younger appearance. You will have smooth skin, minimal scars and an even look across your whole face.

The deep plane facelift is more complicated than the other two and requires a skilled surgeon. He has to remove fat, tissue and skin on your entire face at once. Those who have undergone this sort of procedure usually experience swelling and bruising in their face for three months.

How Long Does a Facelift Take?

The time it takes to undergo a facelift depends on the type of facelift. All facial procedures are relatively quick; they take between one and two hours, depending on your surgeon. However, not every facelift is equal. Mini and mid-facelifts do not usually require anesthesia; however, deep plane facelifts require anesthesia and lots of drugs to make you relax for the procedure. You can expect to have your procedure completed within a day or two.

Recovery After a Facelift

All facial procedures leave scars, no matter how skilled your surgeon is. People who have undergone facelifts usually experience swelling, bruising and pain for up to 2 weeks after the operation. It is normal; it is part of the healing process as your body tries to regenerate skin tissue. While you should expect these symptoms, you should also remember that they improve over time. Recovery after a facelift is quick, and before long, you will be looking at yourself in the mirror again, wondering why you ever bothered with all that makeup in the past.

Risks of a Facelift Surgery

Deeper facial procedures always carry a greater risk of complications than mini facelifts because more tissue is involved.


Hemorrhage is the most common complication after a facelift. Your surgeon will inject your skin with a drug called epinephrine to reduce bleeding; however, this can cause your body to bruise more easily and even delay healing by several days. Some people also experience excessive bleeding once the procedure is finished. Such cases require medical attention right away.

Weakening of Skin

The skin around your face is very delicate, and if it is stressed during the procedure, it can become weaker. This condition is called peri-operative edema and if you have this problem, you should be checked by your doctor. It can also lead to sores and scabs on your face. Skin peeling is another possible problem for this reason. If any of these occur, you should contact your doctor right away.

Wound Infection

Reactions to anesthesia and the needle used in the procedure can also cause infection. If you notice any swelling or drainage from your face, you should contact your doctor immediately. You should also avoid touching your face until it is completely healed. It can prevent infection from spreading.

What to Expect After the Procedure

When you decide to have a facelift, your first concern should be the surgeon who will perform the procedure. To check if he is qualified, ask for recommendations from friends and family, or search for reviews about the doctor online. Once you find a surgeon you trust, you can get on with the process and start preparing yourself for surgery. Facelifts are very important and they can change your appearance forever, so you don’t want to botch it.

When you have decided that you want a facelift, all you have to do is look at your face and figure out how to get the procedure done. After a while, you will forget what it was like before. You can take your time with cosmetic products and get new clothes to make yourself look as young as possible.

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