Famous Bollywood singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya has spoken a lot about the celebs who were present at the Ram Mandir inauguration in Ayodhya and has vented out his anger. He also commented on the invitation of Ranbir Kapoor who is allegedly going to play the role of Lord Ram in Nitish Kumar’s upcoming film ‘Ramayan’ which has created a controversy. In an interview with one of the media houses, Abhijeet expressed his displeasure and said, ‘When the Ram temple was inaugurated, a beef eater was invited and you call the cow mother.’
Abhijeet Bhattacharya
Let us tell you that many Bollywood stars including Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Vicky Kaushal, Alia Bhatt, and Ayushmann Khurrana took part in the Prana Pratishtha ceremony at the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. However, Abhijeet’s comment on Ranbir Kapoor has rekindled a debate among fans. Ranbir Kapoor’s 2011 comment about eating beef went immensely viral on social media. The same came up during the promotion of his 2022 film ‘Brahmastra’, which led to protests by Bajrang Dal activists.
Abhijeet Bhattacharya
The activists called the actor’s comment objectionable and stopped Ranbir and his wife Alia Bhatt from entering the Mahakaleshwar temple in Ujjain. Now the popular singer Abhijeet criticized the film industry while talking about his song ‘Dil ka jo haal hai’ from the 2013 film ‘Besharam’. The singer, known for his outspoken style, said, ‘Thank God, I am not a singer of this era. I sang the song Dil ka jo haal hai in a super flop film. The song was not a hit. No one knows about the film of the song. If you play the song, you will know who sang it.’
Abhijeet Bhattacharya
The singer further said, ‘Even if the most flop song plays, people will know whose song it is and not the hero or the film associated with it. This property belongs to the music company. They have the rights and we don’t get royalty. However, everyone has ears and the voice that reaches the ears and heart is mine.’