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Feeling Stressed? Follow These 5 Tips

In the US, around 70% of Americans feel stressed at least once a week, with 15% feeling stressed every single day. The numbers certainly are shocking, and as much as we may dislike it, it’s something that many of us must live with.

Luckily, just because it’s inevitable doesn’t mean you have to let it control your life. There are things you can do to keep it to a minimum so that it doesn’t begin to affect your overall wellness.

Below we are going to talk about five tips to help you reduce your stress levels.

 Want to learn more? Then let’s get started.

Boost your nutrition

What we eat plays a big part in our mental health, so if you’re not eating a balanced diet, now is the time to do so. Aim to consume nutritious foods and reduce your intake of things like coffee, alcohol, and sugar.

Alongside eating a balanced diet, you might also consider taking supplements, like the ones available at Luma Nutrition. They have a wide range of options to choose from, made from quality ingredients.

Exercise on a regular basis

We already know about the many physical health benefits of working out, but you also need to remember that it’s excellent for your mental wellbeing and stress levels. It helps you forget about your worries and encourages you to let go of negative emotions.

Some of the best exercises to reduce stress include:

– Swimming


– Boxing

– Brisk Walking

Practice relaxation techniques

Another great way to unwind if you’re out and about is to utilize relaxation techniques. These usually involve breathing and can help calm you down in stressful situations.

These relaxation exercises are a great place to get started. 

There is something for everyone, and many of them can be done no matter where you are.

Connect with mother nature

Alongside exercising outdoors, it’s essential to spend time enjoying your surroundings. Fresh air and sunlight do your body good and help clear your mind after a long and stressful day.

Grounding, also known as earthing, also has many benefits that you may wish to look further into. You can read more about it here.

Reduce stress triggers

Finally, and probably one of the most effective ways to reduce stress is to eliminate what is causing it in the first place. Obviously, it’s not always possible to do this, but there are ways to prevent situations if you think ahead.

For instance, if you find that you’re getting overloaded at work, try and see if there are any ways to improve your productivity. Likewise, if you get anxious in noisy places, you could put in headphones.

Final words

And that’s it! These were five tips to help you reduce your stress levels. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a break, reassess your options, and figure out the best way to handle the situation. If none of the above is working, it may be time to reach out to your GP for more support.

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