Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma recently embraced parenthood for the very first time and the two are definitely on cloud nine now. They have been married for over three years and announced their pregnancy earlier in 2020. Anushka Sharma gave birth to a baby girl on Monday i.e. 11th January this year and everyone has been eagerly waiting for her pics to come out. Now, if a report published in Bollywoodhshaadis is anything to go by, a fan page of Virushka has shared a picture of Anushka Sharma with her newborn daughter.
In the picture, Anushka Sharma can be seen holding her newborn daughter in her arms, who is wrapped in a white cloth and head covered with a cap. Anushka Sharma can be seen looking lovingly at her daughter which gives the feeling of her having a heart to heart conversation with her. Take a look at the picture:
Yesterday, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma had requested privacy from the paps and not to click their newborn daughter. The two have also sent some personalized gifts to Viral Bhayani with a personalized note. In the note, the two asked the paparazzi not to click pictures of their daughter until she is mature.
As per Times of India, the note read, “Hi, Thank you for all the love that you have given us for all these years. We are happy to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. As parents, we have a simple request to make to you. We want to protect the privacy of our child and we need your help and support.” The statement further read, “While we will always ensure that you get all the content you need featuring us, we would request you to kindly not take or carry any content that has our child. We know that you will understand where we are coming from and we thank you for the same.”
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