Megastar Salman Khan is in a lot of discussion these days. His recent release ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ is not performing well on box office and he is also getting back-to-back death threats. Recently, Salman appeared on Rajat Sharma’s popular talk show ‘Aap Ki Adalat’. During his conversation with the host, the actor expressed his disappointment about the kind of content OTT is providing nowadays. He said that he feels there should be censors on the OTT platform as well.
Salman said that there is a need for censorship for the digital platform. He said that he has a lot of problem with OTT content. Salman further said that in our films, even if there are two extra punches, that too in action, they are given an A certificate. A different type of action is going on OTT. But here, there is neither A, B, nor C certificate of any kind.
Let us tell you that this is not the first time that Salman has talked about his wish to have censorship on OTT. In the recent past, he said that all the vulgarity, nudity, gaali galauch (swearing) which is common in web shows should stop because kids from an age-group of 15-18 are watching it on their phones. “Jitna clean hoga content, utna behtar hoga, viewership uski zyada hogi,” quoted Salman.
For the unversed, while many new artists have got a chance on OTT, several big stars are also releasing their films on OTT. They are turning to OTT these days as it has a great reach. The audience is also welcoming them wholeheartedly on the digital platform.