Bollywood’s sweet couple Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor stepped out to party together for the first time since the birth of their baby daughter Raha in November. They attended a grand function at Mukesh Ambani’s residence Antilia on Thursday to celebrate the engagement of his younger son Anant Ambani with Radhika Merchant.
The new parents were hand-in-hand as they arrived in the Antilia for the star-studded bash. Ranbir wore a black kurta pajama with a check jacket. On the other hand, Alia wore a sky blue blazer kurta, and sharara. She kept her makeup simple. She looked stunning leaving her hair open. The couple later teamed up with Brahmastra director Ayan Mukerji.
The video was shared by an account on Instagram. The video showed Ranbir and Alia entering the party. Fans of the duo shared their joy to see them together. They commented, “Uff they look so good,” “The only highlight of the whole event #ranbiralia,” “They scream royalty” etc.
In a video, Ranbir, Alia, and Ayan were seen standing together to witness the grand celebration right after entering the gate. The pair were seen holding hands. They were chatting while enjoying the drumming. Others at the party included Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh.
On the other hand, Alia and Ranbir went for Christmas dinner at Soni Razdan’s house recently. She clicked several pictures with her sister Shaheen Bhatt. Alia decked out in a red dress. Her mother Soni shared a picture with her two daughters. At the same time, she expressed her happiness to see them together at home.