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Home Remedies To Keep Dark Circles At Bay

Are your dark circles an eyesore to your otherwise beautiful face? Some of the common causes of dark circles are lack of sleep, stress, hormonal changes, hereditary and many more. But with some DIY tips, you can bid farewell to them naturally. Though chemical-based products can help in reducing your dark circles but there are many who have sensitive skin and prefer home remedies over artificial products. Since the skin under your eyes are sensitive it is best to turn to simple home remedies. So here are some common hacks that you can follow to treat your dark circles.

1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes contain lycopene which makes your skin soft and supple and it naturally reduces your dark circles. It also contains antioxidants which helps to reduce the discoloration under your eyes. How To Use It: Mix 1 tsp of tomato juice with lemon juice and apply it under your eyes. Let it remain for 10 min and then wash it off with cold water.

2. Yoga And Meditation

As stress is an inevitable part of your life, keeping yourself calm and composed is important hence incorporating yoga and meditation into your everyday lifestyle is important. Yoga is effective in dealing with dark circles as it not only calms you down but also reduces stress which in turn reduces dark circles.

3. Cold Milk

Milk contains lactic acid that reduces the puffiness under your eyes and lightens the skin. Also, it contains potassium that keeps your skin soft and supple. How To Use It: Dip a cotton ball in cold milk and apply it under your eyes and let it stay for a while and then rinse it off.

4. Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera nourishes your skin and is a natural remedy for all skin problems. It lightens your skin by providing hydration to the skin. How to Use It: Apply aloe vera gel and massage it for a few mins and let it stay for some time and then wash it off.

5. Tea Bags

Tea bags contain caffeine which constricts the blood vessels, using them reduces the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Prefer using green tea bags or chamomile tea bags for better results.

Dark circles are a common skincare problem but if you make some lifestyle changes like staying hydrated, eating nutritionally enriched food and having a proper sleep can reduce your dark circles. Also, home remedies go a long way in treating your dark circles if there are temporary. But if the discoloration worsens you can seek a dermatologist for further treatment options.

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