How Can Women In 2023 Take Life Into Their Own Hands?

Aside from the stigma floating around saying that women can’t do without men and their support, we say that women in 2023 can be entirely capable of taking care of themselves. It’s the other way around – men depend on women for the simplest of life’s needs.

If you feel like you need some masculinity in your life, you better think again. As women, we’re capable of doing everything men can. The only thing that we might struggle to do is lift heavy objects, but there’s nothing that money can’t solve these days.

In this article, we share some ideas and tips on how to live an independent life as a strong woman in 2023. If you’ve been struggling with these issues so far, make this your wake-up call to start living a different life from next year on. Keep reading to see what you might want to do.

Constantly educate yourself and work a well-paid job

Money rules the world today, and getting money means being highly educated. If you’re a young woman, don’t let anyone convince you that you don’t need to learn to be successful. Do everything you can to sign up for a great university and get the best education possible.

Once you do it, you’re eligible to find the job of your dreams. We all live in exciting times, and if you pick the right profession, you’ll have an abundance of choices. Pick the job you love and dedicate yourself to it. Earn a great salary because this is the key to independence and success.

If a firm’s managers and owners aren’t treating you right, split parts and search for another job. Be constantly on the move and active. This is the way to get to the best place possible in life.

But why are salary and work so important? Why can’t you be traditional and stay home while someone else works for you? Of course, you can. The only issue is that when someone else earns money for the household, they are the ones that make all the decisions.

Hire help with your own money

Many women are terrified that they cannot handle home issues that inevitably happen from time to time. The truth is, men are not sure what they are doing either, but they are faking it most of the time. They’ll try to fix things using logic, but they fail too.

When you earn enough, you can always pay a professional company that will handle these issues for you. Even the simplest things are part of the professionals’ job. Of course, you don’t have to pay them for such a small issue, but anything from a broken washing machine to a clogged sewer is something to pay the pros and let them fix for you.

This way, you don’t need a man in your life. You can enjoy your freedom, decorate the way you want around the home, watch anything you love on the TV, and never worry about someone leaving the toilet seat up. Whenever you need professional help, you pay for it, and you’re free to move on.

Keep the doctor on speed-dial

Modern society has mobile doctors. Whenever there’s an issue, you can dial the number in your country to call an ambulance, and they’ll be there within minutes. Many women are scared of being alone when something happens, but stats show that this rarely happens to revolve around it and feel scared.

The best solution for injuries and health problems is to keep some of the essential pills, solutions, and items at home when an emergency happens. Have a box of such items. Something to measure body temperature, Bisolvon for coughs, bandages if you cut yourself, and similar items are just enough to keep you safe.

Intimacy is overrated

Women and men think differently, and all women must know this. It’s easy for women to find intimacy when they need it, so thinking that this is something you’ll miss is a mistake. One call women need to make, and someone will be at their door, so whenever you feel lonely or want company, go through your phonebook.

These people do not need to stay the night at your place. Show them the door until the next time you need them. If it seems ruthless to you, just think about how men often treat women who are into them. This should do the trick.


You don’t need to stress over being a fragile woman these days. Times have changed, and now women rule the world again. Go through the points above and see why living independently and making decisions is a completely justified decision. Educate yourself, find a great job, and never rely on anyone but yourself.

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