
How Ear Pressure Can Be Caused by Infection; Details Everyone Should Know

By Himshikha Shukla

February 19, 2021

You know what ear pressure feels like. As you take off in an airplane or go up in an elevator, you feel the push in your ears. You have to swallow or yawn to relieve the pressure before it becomes painful. You sometimes have the same sensation when you have a cold or allergy problems. What causes that pressure?

Anatomy of the ear

The ear is divided into three parts, each with a particular function.

1. Outer ear

2. Middle ear

3. Inner Ear

What are the causes of ear pressure?

Uncommon Causes for Ear Pressure

An ear infection or acute otitis media accounts for a large percentage of the complaints of ear pressure and pain.

Most of the cases occur in toddlers, especially those in day care, those exposed to secondhand smoke, and infants who are bottle fed on their backs.

Adults with allergies and colds sometimes have blockage of the Eustachian tube. Prolonged blockage can cause buildup of fluid within the middle ear. If backwash from the mouth or nose contaminates that fluid, an infection can develop. This can cause not just pressure, but severe pain as the pressure increases.

In such cases, it’s crucial to consult a professional who can provide the right treatment and advice. The Los Angeles best audiologist is a great resource for this. They are experts in diagnosing and managing conditions related to the ear, including otitis media. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they can help alleviate the discomfort and prevent further complications.

If not treated properly, acute otitis media can become chronic otitis media, resulting in destruction of the ear bones and hearing loss. Most ear infections resolve by themselves as the swelling in the throat goes down and the middle ear drains. But if the discomfort in your ear persists, if the child is less than 6 months old, if the pain is severe, or if pus is draining from the ear, you need to see a doctor.

If you live in the Princeton area, you can contact an excellent Princeton ENT doctor. They will be able to diagnose your problem and treat you quickly and efficiently. Don’t wait too long to get help.