The wedding of Anurag Kashyap’s daughter Aaliyah Kashyap was very grand. She married her long-time boyfriend Shane Gregoire in Mumbai as per the Hindu rituals and organized a grand reception in the evening after the wedding. Paparazzi were also present at the reception and wedding of the cute couple to capture the happy red carpet moments of the ceremony. During this, when Anurag met the paparazzi, he was seen sobbing and everyone there consoled him and asked him not to cry.
Anurag Kashyap
Let us tell you that bride Aaliyah’s father and Bollywood director-actor-producer Anurag Kashyap spoke to the paparazzi during his daughter’s reception party. While talking to the paparazzi, his eyes were wet and sadness was clearly visible on his face that he was crying. Anurag told the paparazzi, “I am crying, she is getting married.” Anurag also said that he is quite tired of all the wedding preparations and need to take some rest.
Anurag Kashyap
Let us tell you that Aaliyah also shared her wedding pictures on her social media handle and captioned, “Now and forever.” Aaliyah wore a pastel-colored lehenga on her wedding day, while Shane wore a sherwani and got quite emotional during the ceremony. Shane proposed to Aaliyah in Bali during their vacation in May 2023 and shared the pictures on his Instagram and wrote, “My best friend, my partner, my soulmate and now my fiancĂ©! You are the love of my life. Thank you for showing me what real and unconditional love is like. Saying yes to you was the easiest thing I have ever done and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my love
Anurag Kashyap.”
After the proposal, Aaliyah and Shane got engaged in the year 2023, in Mumbai and shared several pictures from the ceremony. Aaliyah wrote, “I know I said the last dump was the last dump but I promise this is the last dump.” Let us tell you that Aaliyah is a content creator who studied in California and pursued a career away from the film industry.