- Other day while browsing the Instagram I saw my sister posted a meme as a Instagram story which says:
True sometimes these 9months feels like so long just like never ending months. I mean what is pregnancy – the period in which fetus develops inside the woman womb. According to women pregnancy is the period of mood swings, morning sickness, cravings, and at last weight of the baby on you. I mean it’s starts from morning sickness and when finally you start enjoying, the baby weight adds its contribution. But really these 9 months are the longest months because it changes your life mentally, physically and of course emotionally.
Then middle of the pregnancy can be enjoyed by doing pregnancy yoga, having food of your choice of course with restrictions of healthy food . These days we have pregnancy experience blogs. the celebrities are so openly sharing pregnancies, their workouts. But the last 3-4 months are crucial and hard to pass but it’s all for baby you are doing right.
Apart from being disturbed from your body changes. everyone wants to look smart and comfortable. now a days we have maternity dresses, maternity top- jeans etc.… because you can’t just sit at home whole 9 months. then you will definitely feel like 3years instead of 9months.
As the 9 months comes to end .it becomes hard to pass on because restrictions on going anywhere, back aches. all the time there is a tension on mind of having contractions or bursting of water bag or any other symptoms of “it’s the time”. all the packing for you and your baby is a big task .But on the serious note if I say from my experience and other mommies experiences too-
- I had a tuff time at the time of pregnancy. Suffering from kidneys stones, bed rest to having cannula in my nerves. going to hospital at night for stone pain injections also. This how my pregnancy went.
- Another one said “In my second case I felt the pregnancy won’t end coz of covid and lockdown. I was literally counting hours not even days .”
So, all first-time pregnant women or anytime pregnant women, don’t take stress. just enjoy your pregnancy to make this 3 years spam of time to 9months .because there is lot more coming next when baby comes out from the nest.