Bollywood’s Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia when Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo faced off on Thursday night in an exhibition match between Team Seasons Riyadh and Paris Saint-Germain. Senior Park Chan attended the football opening ceremony and shook hands with players from both teams before the match.
Amitabh Bachchan Shook hands with Messi and Ronaldo
The legendary actor Big-B paused for a moment as he shook hands with Argentine world champion Messi and Portuguese star Ronaldo. At Park Chan’s greeting, both players smiled. Bachchan’s arrival took Indian fans by surprise and many on social media were both confused and happy. Many fans felt so proud to see Big-B there. One fan wrote- GOAT Meet GOAT while another wrote, ” Desrving tribute to legendary Amitabh Bachchan sir”.one another wrote, “maine to raat me hi dekha liya TV par”.
Watch video;
T 4533 – "An evening in Riyadh .. " what an evening ..
Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Mbape, Neymar all playing together .. and yours truly invited guest to inaugurate the game .. PSG vs Riyadh Seasons ..
Incredible !!!#football #Ronaldo #Messi #AlNassr #SaudiArabia— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) January 20, 2023
Match was Between Ronaldo and Messi
It was a matchup between Ronaldo and Messi, who joined Saudi Al-Nasr this season. Ronaldo this season will be the captain of the Riyadh team. The Saudi Pro XI will be joined by Al Nasr and Al Hilal from Riyadh. PSG’s starting line-up includes France’s Mbappe and Brazil’s Neymar, as well as Ronaldo’s former Real Madrid teammates Sergio Ramos and Keylor Navas.
Since the departure of the former from Real Madrid in 2018, meetings between Ronaldo and Messi’s top teams have become a rarity. They have previously faced each other at least twice a season in the El Clasico between Madrid and Barcelona. Messi was the best naked champion there.