Mr. Perfectionsit of Bollywood, Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan recently celebrated her first wedding anniversary with her husband Nupur Shikhare. Let us tell you that Ira shared many fun pictures with her husband Nupur on her social media, which won the hearts of the fans. In these beautiful pictures shared by Ira on Instagram, she can be seen wearing a saree and Nupur wore kurta-pajama and jacket. Both have shared pictures while having fun.
Ira Khan And Nupur Shikhare
Let us tell you that the cute expressions of Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare in the pictures posted on social media made the fans crazy. The couple celebrated their first wedding anniversary in a very simple way and did not do any frills like a wedding. During this time, the couple had a fun time on the balcony of the house and can be seen posing with each other giving different expressions taking selfies making faces.
Ira Khan And Nupur Shikhare
In one of the pictures shared on the internet, Ira kissed Nupur on the cheek and wrote, ‘Happy wedding anniversary my love.’ Since the pictures were shared her fans are congratulating both of them. While congratulating a fan wrote, ‘Many congratulations and best wishes to both of you beta ji. Always be happy, may the blessings of the Almighty always be on you both.’ Another fan wrote, ‘This is very cute. Happy anniversary.’
Ira Khan And Nupur Shikhare
Following this another comment read, ‘So much hatred was showered on these two at the time of marriage, but they look so cute and absolutely unique.’ Let us tell you that Aamir’s daughter Ira Khan married Nupur Shikhare on 3 January 2024. If we talk about Nupur’s work front then let us tell you that he is a fitness trainer and when he arrived at Ira’s house with the baraat, he went jogging and was wearing a vest and shorts. Nupur and Ira married each other after dating for some time.