Some of the bridal pictures of actress Kiara Advani have surfaced on social media, seeing that everyone is getting confused and the discussions about her marriage have intensified. Kiara is seen in a bridal outfit and she is also flaunting the mehndi on her palms with great pleasure. After seeing the pictures, now the question arises whether Kiara has secretly got married.
Actually, these pictures of Kiara were clicked while getting ready for an ad shoot. Kiara is going to act in a commercial as a bride. After getting ready for the ad shoot, she got some pictures clicked which have become viral like fire on social media.
Kiara Advani
These pictures of Kiara have been shared by Mehendi artist Veena on her Instagram. Veena Nagara is the first choice of every Bollywood heroine to get mehndi done on her hands, whether it is a wedding or any shooting. Veena is seen with Kiara in these pictures and Kiara is showing her mehendi on her hands.
After seeing this look of Kiara Advani, everyone is remembering Anushka Sharma’s bridal look. From the choice of color of the lehenga to the jewellery selection, Kiara has been seen copying Anushka Sharma’s bridal look to a great extent.
Kiara Advani
Kiara also remains in the headlines for her personal life and for her relationship. The actress has been in discussion for her relationship with Siddharth Malhotra, as well as the pair is also very much liked by the fans. Siddharth and Kiara together worked in the film ‘Shershaah’.
Kiara Advani is active on social media and keeps updating her fans every day with her beautiful pictures and videos. Kiara has a tremendous fan following on social media. After seeing these pictures of Kiara Advani, everyone is now eagerly waiting to see her real life bridal photos too.