Is Your Relationship Toxic?

By Afshan Akram

Don’t text him. Just don’t. It’s not necessary that all women might go through this but every woman once a while goes through this phase. If you are in a toxic relationship and you brain is not able to take it anymore. Then quit. Yes, you quit. I know it’s not easy. 

A lot of things could mean that you are in a toxic relationship. 

If you think you are not getting enough support from your partner, meaning if he just doesn’t support your dreams, then you are in a toxic relationship. If whenever you talk, you fight. And if you have started avoiding each other because of this reason then you are certainly in a relationship in which you are not supposed to be. 

Jealousy is normal but if you just cannot get yourself to think or take their success positively it’s time you rethink your decision. If he ignores your needs and always puts his needs first, Girl! You are some place you shouldn’t be. 

On the off chance that the relationship is harmful, all things considered, all the battles on the planet will not change anything since one or the two individuals have sincerely proceeded onward. Maybe they were never truly there in any case, or not in the manner in which you required them to be at any rate. Far more atrocious, if your relationship is harmful, you will be increasingly more harmed by remaining in it.

Trying to hold onto someone who is constantly wanting to let go will only ruin you and your peace of mind. 

Love and satisfaction don’t generally go together. The world would run a lot smoother on the off chance that they did, yet it simply doesn’t occur that way. Love can be a grimy little liar now and again. So can responsibility. Remaining in a relationship ought to never have losing yourself as one of the conditions. You’re extremely significant for that.

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