Bollywood actor Ishaan Khattar shares a close bond with his half-brother Shahid Kapoor. The two keep sharing goofy videos with each other on social media. In a recent interview, Ishaan has called a ‘stable male figure’ during his childhood. He also revealed how Shahid always kept him in check when he was young. Besides talking about his equation with Shahid, Ishaan openly spoke about his parents’ divorce and told how it brought him and Shahid closer.
Ishaan recalled Shahid changing his diapers
Ishaan shared that his mother and father had parted ways when he was six years old. Opening up on this difficult time, Ishaan said that he has always dealt with such phases as if God is checking how much he can bear. However, he does not like to live in the past. Ishaan said that he likes to have a positive outlook at things and considers himself lucky to have some great people around him.
However, one thing that always remained with him is his bonding with Shahid. Ishaan revealed that Shahid was 15 when he entered this world. Shahid has changed his diapers as well. He is like a permanent male figure in his life since childhood and is quite protective of him.
Ishaan is close to Shahid’s children
Ishaan’s mother gave a video message in which she said that Ishaan is a source of happiness to everyone in the family and she is really proud of him. In the same clip, Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput’s children Misha and Zain were also seen expressing their love for Ishaan.
Talking about his relationship with Misha and Zain, Ishaan said that they are his like his buddies. They have a good time together, playing and having fun. Ishaan said that both Misha and Zain are very smart and they possess great IQ besides being emotionally intelligent.
For the unversed, Ishaan and Shahid have different fathers but same mother. While Ishaan is the son of Neelima Azmi and Rajesh Khatter, Shahid is the son of Pankaj Kapur and Neelima Azmi.