Star Plus’s popular show “Ishqbaaz” fame actress Shrenu Parikh has tied the knot. Shrenu took the seven vows with actor Akshay Mhatre. The first pictures of Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre’s wedding have surfaced. The actress’s wedding pictures have gone viral on social media.
Shrenu, known for her role in the TV serial ‘Ishqbaaz’ looked stunning in her wedding attire alongside her groom Akshay Mhatre. Ishqbaaz actress wore an orange and red combination lehenga, capturing hearts with beautiful pictures. Meanwhile, Akshay Mhatre donned a red sherwani for the ceremony. Shrenu Parikh And Akshay Mhatre
Here are the pictures from Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre’s wedding.
TV serial actress Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre looked extremely romantic together in these pictures.
Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre shared their first wedding photos on their social media accounts, which immediately went viral on Instagram.
Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre had a grand Indian wedding in Vadodara, Gujarat. You can see the photos here.
The actress Shrenu Parikh and Akshay Mhatre have chosen each other as life partners amidst family and loved ones. Fans are actively commenting on these pictures as well.
Before this, Shrenu’s mehendi and sangeet ceremony pictures also went viral on social media, where she looked stunning in a green dress. The Haldi pictures also became popular. The actress arrived with Akshay Mhatre on a scooter for her Haldi ceremony. The pictures went viral on social media.
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Shrenu Parekh and Akshay Mhatre met on the set of ‘Ghar Ek Mandir’ in 2021. They became friends on the set, and later their friendship turned into love. Akshay is three years younger than Shrenu. Shrenu is also quite active on social media accounts.