Janhvi Kapoor, daughter of late actress Sridevi, has carved a niche for herself in Bollywood in a short span of time. Janhvi made her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Dhadak’, since then she has worked in films like Ghost Stories, Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl and Roohi. Janhvi Kapoor is very active on social media. Janhvi shares her hot and bold pictures and videos with fans every day. Meanwhile, Janhvi has got a latest photoshoot done, a glimpse of which she has shown on her Instagram. Seeing the bold look of Janhvi Kapoor in these pictures, the fans are not able to take their eyes off.
Actress Janhvi Kapoor is seen sharing her bold pictures almost every day. Meanwhile, Janhvi has shared pictures of her bold photoshoot on Instagram account. In these pictures you can see that Janhvi is seen posing hot in front of the mirror. Janhvi was wearing a bold deep neck dress of black color during this time. The hot look of the actress is clearly visible in these pictures. Sharing these pictures, Janhvi wrote in the caption, ‘Know your ways…’ Fans are very fond of these pictures of Janhvi. Commenting on these pictures of the actress, fans are praising her fiercely. While commenting, some fans are calling them hot, while some are telling them gorgeous.
Talking about Janhvi Kapoor’s film career, she is working in Good Luck Jerry. Apart from this, she is working in Mili. Sunny Kaushal and Manoj Pahwa will also be seen working in the lead roles with him in this film. Apart from this, she is working with Varun Dhawan in the film Bawaal. The shooting of this film has started and the film will be released next year.