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Keep your brands rocking while in quarantine. Also!

   Greetings to the COVID world.

   Woman’s Era can make an effort, as a magazine, which has been around since a long time. We have seen many ups and down. And the present time is not just down but really down and for the world that we knew the has almost stopped- for all businesses and brands.

   So here is a plan, for whatever we can do in the present circumstances.

   Brand recall is big thing in advertising. When the economy kick back in, with whoever survives and remains unaffected (by the Covid19 virus), we will all need to get back to work, earn salaries and pay dues to government, taxes and the people.

   So, Hence here is a salvation and stay there idea– like stay awake in the mind at the least package of our ad world:

Woman’s Era can send:

· Covid based public service message (PSM) on Woman’s Era social media networks, websites and emailers.

· Covid myth buster PDFs and website links, which are circulated to about 10,000 people daily in various groups of Woman’s Era.

   If you think as an agency or a brand, you wish to keep your identity kicking up in these times too, and remain in the hearts of your customers and the citizen post COVID19, then reply to this email, so that Woman’s Era can send relevant details.

   Remain safe. At home and outside too.

   Best to stay home and stay safe for some more weeks.

Safely and sincerely,

Divesh Nath
+919810160122- WhatsApp, Sms or Call.
Publisher of Woman’s Era
Delhi Press Magazines
Covid Era 2020

Download 2 recent issues:

Woman’s Era | March 2020:

Woman’s Era | January 2020:

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