Vidyut Jammwal’s upcoming film is ready for release, but even before that he has landed in controversies. The controversy is such that the makers have to apologize for this. Actually the song ‘Haq Hussain’ of this film was released some time back. The people of the Muslim community have objections to this song. Because of this, the makers of the film have to apologize to the Muslim community for this song. He said that we apologize to those whose religious sentiments have been hurt by Haq Hussain song. The makers have also issued a statement in this regard.
Some time ago the song Haq Hussain from Vidyut Jammwal’s film Khuda Haafiz was released. People of Shia community have expressed anger towards this song. He says that the word Hussain has been used in the song and there are objectionable scenes in it. They had objected to the use of the word Hussain and Zanjeer. Now the makers have apologized for this and have also issued a statement on social media.
The makers have written in the statement – ​​We have decided to change the song keeping in mind the views of the Shia community. With the permission of the CBFC censor board, we have removed the chained blades and changed ‘Haq Hussain’ to ‘Junoon Hai’. We are apologizing to the people of the Shia community and our intention was not to hurt anyone’s sentiments. He said- The film does not depict any member of any Shia community in a wrong way nor is it shown attacking any person from the Shia community.
The makers further wrote – Through the song, he only wanted to show the glory saga of Imam Hussain. Our intention was not to go against anyone’s religious sentiments. However, keeping in mind the sentiments of the Shia community, we have made changes. Let us tell you that Vidyut Jammwal and Shivaleeka Oberoi are in the lead roles in this film. The film is releasing this Friday.