Shershah fame and beautiful Bollywood actress Kiara Advani is preparing for the release of her upcoming film ‘Game Changer’ in which she will be seen with South superstar Ram Charan. The actress was scheduled to attend a promotional event on Saturday. However, she could not be a part of the event due to health problems. According to some of the media reports, she was admitted to the hospital after her health deteriorated suddenly.
Kiara Advani
Now after the news of the actress getting sick, Kiara’s team has released an official update on her health. Kiara’s team issued a statement saying, “Kiara Advani has not been admitted to the hospital, she has been advised to rest due to fatigue, as she has been working continuously.” According to some of the media reports, Kiara Advani was scheduled to attend the press meeting of Game Changer with Ram Charan. However, she could not participate in it due to deteriorating health.
Kiara Advani
Let us tell you that the actress appeared in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Salman Khan’s reality show ‘Bigg Boss 18’ on Friday. During this, she also interacted with the participants of the show and enjoyed too. Many pictures and videos of the actress from the sets of the show are going viral on social media and fans are appreciating her look and her attitude a lot.
Kiara Advani
Let us tell you that Kiara Advani and Ram Charan’s film ‘Game Changer’ will hit the theatres on January 10. In the upcoming film Game Changer, Kiara will be seen as the girlfriend of Ram Charan’s character. If we talk about the work front of the actress then let us tell you that she will also be seen in ‘War 2’ with Jr NTR and Hrithik Roshan. Her one of the best films that created havoc among her fans was Shershah in which she was seen with her husband Siddharth Malhotra.