Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt is riding high personally as well as professionally. While she is a powerhouse of talent, some attribute the actress’ success to her Godfather in the industry, filmmaker Karan Johar. In the recent times, Alia had two back-to-back releases- Karan’s directorial ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ and her Hollywood debut film ‘Heart of Stone’. While the former had a smashing opening on the box office, the latter failed to leave a mark. Now, netizens are saying that it is Alia’s nepotistic roots that are behind her films getting success in India.
After the release of ‘Heart of Stone’, a Reddit user created a Thread to discuss about Alia Bhatt’s debut in West. The user shared how Karan Johar’s influence doesn’t work in Hollywood. He also claimed that only exceptional actors like Irrfan Khan, and Tabu can make it big in Hollywood.
Soon after, the netizens started pouring in their views on the film. One user wrote, “The film is pathetic. I just watched it, and I need my 2 hrs back.” Another stated, “I’ve basically skipped most of it. No one has taken efforts to even try. Overhyped for fuck all reason. Alia is gonna sink soon if she doesn’t stop flaring her nose.” A third one penned, “Alia was hasty in her desperation to become a Hollywood star. She has this major case of FOMO that DP, PC were going to Hollywood so she had to. But breaking into new industry takes effort and time. It’s unlikely that someone who has done all her work due to her connections would realise that. In India, she gets the best and everything she wants is tweaked to suit her.”
For the unversed, ‘Heart of Stone’ stars Gal Gadot, Alia Bhatt and Jamie Dornan. It is led and produced by Gal. Alia essays the role of a tech prodigy named Keya Dhawan in the film. It was released on Netflix on August 11, 2023.