Actor Kunickaa Sadanand, known for her roles in Beta, Gumraah, and Khiladi, has opened up about her past relationship with renowned playback singer Kumar Sanu. In a recent interview with Siddharth Kannan, Kunickaa revealed that their bond formed during a tumultuous period in Sanu’s life when he was struggling with depression due to issues in his marriage.
Kunickaa first met Sanu at a friend’s house during a recording session. A fan of his music, she struck up a conversation about diet and fitness, which led to a friendly exchange that left a lasting impression. Their next meeting occurred during a film shoot in Ooty, where Sanu was vacationing with his sister and nephew. Kunickaa recalled that his marriage was fraught with discord, alleging that his wife was abusive.
During their time in Ooty, Kunickaa witnessed Sanu’s emotional vulnerability. She recounted an incident when he became heavily intoxicated during dinner and threatened to jump out of a hotel window. “He was deeply depressed. His sister, nephew, and I had to hold him back. He didn’t want to break his marriage or leave his children, but he was struggling. That moment made me very emotional and brought us closer,” she said. After helping him calm down, Kunickaa encouraged him to focus on his responsibilities and well-being.
Their relationship grew as Sanu moved to a flat near Kunickaa’s residence. The two exchanged meals, and Kunickaa helped him adopt a healthier lifestyle. Reflecting on their six-year relationship, Kunickaa said she considered Sanu like her husband, assisting with his performances and managing his wardrobe. However, the relationship remained private out of respect for Sanu’s family and children.
Despite their closeness, Kunickaa revealed that the relationship ended when she learned unsettling truths about Sanu, which she said “broke her heart.” She also alleged that Sanu’s wife, Rita Bhattacharya, discovered the affair and retaliated by vandalizing Kunickaa’s car.
Kumar Sanu and Rita Bhattacharya divorced in 1994 after 14 years of marriage. The former couple shares three children. Sanu later married Saloni Bhattacharya in 2001 and has two daughters with her.