Future is unpredictable and maybe that is why people want to know this. We all like to know about it and so this is about your age in accordance to the lifeline in your palm. Please find out the ages on the life line from the picture.
1. Divide the life line into two equal parts, the middle place indicates the age of 40. Then connect it to the middle place of the ring and middle fingers.
2. Draw a parallel line to the first line from the middle place of the index and middle fingers to the life line. The intersection point is marked as the age of 20.
3. Draw a parallel line to the first line from the middle of little and middle fingers to the life line. The intersection point is marked as the age of 60.
4. The end of the life line is usually marked as the age of 80.
Please note the ages on the life line don’t indicate accurate ages. They are approximate ones.