Beautiful actress Mamta Kulkarni, who once ruled entire Bollywood was away from the news headlines for quite some time. However she returned back to India regarding her case, and she has been continuously discussed among fans. These days she is in the news for her Sadhvi avatar which she has taken after leaving her joyful life. Let us tell you that Mamta attended the Maha Kumbh 2025. As soon as she returned to India, she announced that she had come back here for the Maha Kumbh to be a part of this sacred event.
Mamta Kulkarni
Let us tell you that in the recent sacred fest Maha Kumbh which is being organized after 144 years, Mamta Kulkarni became Mahamandaleshwar from an actress. She came to the Maha Kumbh at 11 pm on Thursday and met Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Lakshmi Narayan Tripathi and after this, the process of Mamta Kulkarni becoming Mahamandaleshwar commenced. Mamta first performed Pinddaan and took a dip in the Sangam. Late in the evening, Pattabhishek took place in the Kinnar Akhara and she became Mahamandaleshwar.
Mamta Kulkarni
Now several pictures and videos from this event are going viral in which this pretty former actress, Mamta Kulkarni is seen in saffron clothes and Rudraksh garland. In these glimpses shared on social media, tears are seen rolling down from Mamta’s eyes that made every fan emotional and they are praising the actress for her strong move in order to get peace. At the same time, during this time she was also given a bath with milk which became a controversial topic.
Mamta Kulkarni
Let us tell you that during this, senior members of the Kinnar Akhara were also present and the process of making Mamta a Mahamandaleshwar (in Mahalakshmi Tripathi’s Akhara) was started. Mamta said that all this had not happened suddenly. She said, ‘I started penance in the year 2000, my guru is Shri Chaitanya Gagan Giri Guru Nath’. Mamta further said, ‘I took initiation from him whose ashram is in Kupoli. My penance has been going on for about 23 years.’