Actor Manoj Bajpayee has spoken candidly about his interfaith marriage to Shabana Raza, saying that he faced no pressure from his family or community when they decided to marry, despite following different faiths. He emphasised that his father was a broad-minded man who supported their relationship, fostering an inclusive environment. Bajpayee also shared his approach to raising their daughter, Ava, allowing her the freedom to make her own decisions regarding religion.
In an interview with journalist Barkha Dutt on Mojo Story, Bajpayee was asked about the dynamics of his interfaith marriage. He responded, “It’s been easy. I’m always surprised… it’s the people who matter the most; it’s people who refuse to be impacted and affected by this.” He recounted that when he informed his family and community about marrying Shabana, who follows Islam, there was no significant reaction. “Nothing happened,” he said, adding that his father had been very inclusive and open-minded.
Describing his father’s supportive nature, Bajpayee explained, “He had many Muslim friends and was a huge supporter of the party in government today. But you’ll be surprised, the number of Muslim people who attended his funeral was far more than those from his own religion. That’s what my upbringing was like.” He further emphasized that his father’s broad-minded outlook laid the foundation for his own approach to religion and relationships.
On the topic of religion in their household, Bajpayee said there was no need for special handling. “There is no fight, no struggle. All of us have our own space to practice our faith,” he explained. Bajpayee’s daughter, Ava, has also begun asking questions about religion, influenced by conversations with her peers. When Ava asked her mother about her religion, Shabana told her, “You choose yours.”
The actor became visibly agitated when questioned about religious identity, stressing that it was a non-issue in their home. He revealed that he practices his Hindu faith, performing daily pooja at the temple, while Shabana follows her own religious practices. “Ava, sometimes she does pranam, sometimes she doesn’t. We don’t even question these things,” he added, reinforcing that respect for each other’s beliefs is the foundation of their family life.
Through this open conversation, Bajpayee highlighted the importance of mutual respect and freedom of choice, both in his marriage and in raising his daughter.