Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor had one of the most controversial marriages in Bollywood, with Mira just 22 and Shahid around 13 years elder than her. Marrying just a college graduate brought a lot of debate. Within a year, Mira was pregnant with Misha and became a proud mom. Shahid Mira and Misha have been giving serious family goals every time they step out. And a few months back, the couple became parents to Zain Kapoor, their little baby boy. They are one of the Cutest couples out there in the industry but people still cannot believe that the two married in an arranged marriage style.
Recently, in an interview with the Vogue magazine, Mira had finally answered the question of her 14-year age difference with husband, Shahid. She shared, “His fluidity towards life is another quality I love. It’s helped me ease up a lot. He’s lived longer, so if anything, I can benefit from his experience, and he can benefit from my fresh perspective.”
In the same interview, Mira also shared how she picked up life in Mumbai (that is completely different from the life of Delhiites). She said, “I really didn’t think about it as so many challenges to overcome. The change from Delhi to Mumbai was actually a very pleasant one. I love South Bombay! In fact, we celebrated our anniversary with a meal at The Table in Colaba. I’ve also picked up on the way of life and way of dressing here. The first time I wore a pair of ripped jeans was after I got married!”
Coming back to their love story, in an interview with The Times of India, Shahid had split the beans on it. He had shared, “I remember I went to her house for the first time and I was in the Tommy zone. So, I had a ponytail, drop-crotch track pants and weird shoes on. I recall getting out of the car in this avatar at Mira’s farmhouse in Delhi. Her dad came out to welcome his son-in-law to be. He saw how I was dressed and he surely thought – ‘God what is my daughter getting married to.’ He barely looked at me, then whispered ‘Come inside’ and went away.”
He had further shared, “She is this 20-something girl coming out of LSR College and she was like ‘What?’ And when I told her I am playing a character called Tommy, she said, ‘That is not the name of a guy, it is the name of a dog.”