Mira Rajput rose to fame when she married the leading Bollywood star, Shahid Kapoor. She has even been on the cover of Vogue and also attended a number of red carpet events. She is now a mother of two kids- Misha and Zain and is busy being the perfect mom.
She keeps heading out with her husband, kids or even alone to shop and take some time out. The star-wife was seen rocking a cute printed skirt, who some felt was “too short” and trolled her saying she “stole Misha’s skirt.”
She raised a powerful question that read, “If women judge other women by the length of their skirt, does it justify the empowerment we’re seeking?”
Mira is no stranger to social media trolls and has often found herself battling people passing lewd comments ranging from her fashion choices to her decision of being a homemaker apart from other aspects.