Beauty and pride of India, Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu, who won the Miss Universe crown in the year 2021, is all set to make her debut in Bollywood. Yes, we are right, the actress has got a Hindi film and has even signed a picture as well. Let us tell you that Harnaaz will share the screen with Tiger Shroff and will be seen showing her acting skills in the upcoming film ‘Baaghi 4’. Even this news has been confirmed by the makers of the film as well.
Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu
Let us tell you that Sajid Nadiadwala, the producer of the film ‘Baaghi 4’ has signed the Miss Universe Harnaaz. To make this announcement to the fans a post has been shared from Nadiadwala Grandson’s official Instagram page with a picture of Harnaaz. The picture is captioned, ‘From Miss Universe to Baaghi Universe! We are introducing you to new talent. Lady Rebel in Baaghi 4’. Let us tell you that this film is being directed by H Harsha.
Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu
The makers of this rebel film recently announced the fourth installment of the Baaghi franchise which had Shraddha and Tiger in the first part. It is also being said that Punjabi cinema actress Sonam Bajwa will also be seen in it. Now Sajid, producer of the film has also signed Harnaaz Sandhu in the film. Apart from these celebrities, Sanjay Dutt is also a part of this film. In this way, Harnaaz is making her debut in Bollywood with Tiger’s film.
Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu
If you are wondering when you will get to see the film, then let us tell you that the film Baaghi 4 will hit the theaters next year and will be released on 5 September 2025. If we talk about Harnaaz, then let us tell you that she won the title of Miss Universe on this day on 12 December 2021. And today on 12 December 2024, the news of her Bollywood debut has come out.