Allu Arjun’s blockbuster film ‘Pushpa 2’ is making a splash at the box office and is receiving immense praise from both critics and audiences. Meanwhile, actor Mukesh Khanna, known for his roles as Bhishma in mythology show the ‘Mahabharata’ and entertainment show ‘Shaktimaan’, has shared his views on ‘Pushpa 2’. Let us tell you that this hit film entered the Rs 1000 crore club at the box office within seven days of its release and hence became a topic of discussion among fans.
Pushpa 2
According to some of the media reports, Mukesh Khanna has shared his views about the film in a video titled ‘Pushpa 2 Mera Review’ that he posted on his social media handle. During the conversation, he praised the process of making the film and said, “A film is not made just with money. You need to plan and every single rupee invested in ‘Pushpa’ is visible on the screen.” It is evidently visible that Mukesh is impressed with the film’s opening scene, in which Pushpa fights while hanging in the air.
Mukesh Khanna
Let us tell you that Mukesh Khanna compared one of the scenes of the film to Manmohan Desai’s ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’. However, this was his first encounter with Allu Arjun’s work on the big screen and he gave the actor’s performance 8-9 out of 10. Mukesh Khanna further described Allu Arjun as fit for Shaktimaan and suggested that Arjun could play the character of Shaktimaan, saying, “He has the personality to play it.”
Allu Arjun
During the same time, Mukesh Khanna also raised questions by highlighting the negative things in the film such as the hero’s smuggling activities and disregard for law enforcement, and said, “Why do the filmmakers glorify smuggling and oppose the police? Is this what we want to tell the public and follow on the same path?” Along with this, he urged the producers to avoid glamorizing negativity and focus on creating content with meaningful lessons.