Actress, comedian, and social media influencer Kusha Kapila got married to Zoravar Ahluwalia in the year 2017. But, due to some personal issues, they got divorced in the year 2023 by announcing it on social media. Kusha says that after her divorce, she was scared and she was most worried about the effect of this decision on her mother’s social life. Just like other common people, Kusha and her mother also had to face a lot of taunts from people for breaking the knot.
Kusha Kapila
Let us tell you that after Kusha’s divorce, circumstances arose in her life that made it difficult for her mother to even visit the temple of her colony. People used to taunt Kusha’s mother even on the temple premises. Kusha Kapila recently joined the conversation with her mother on the ‘Be A Parent Yaar for We Are Yuvaa’s’ YouTube channel. During this conversation, the actress revealed that after announcing her divorce from her husband, she had to face a lot of trolling on social media.
Kusha Kapila And Zoravar Ahluwalia
Let us tell you that Kusha Kapila and her mother made several revelations on the show and disclosed that it was a difficult period. But, that time made her even more stronger. Kusha’s mother said, the situation was difficult for the family, but she kept patience and waited for things to settle. Kusha said that the last two years have been really difficult for her, but now the situation is normal for them. Kusha said that people always make up stories, but it is important not to worry too much.
Kusha Kapila
Kusha’s mother narrated an incident when she used to go to the temple after her daughter’s divorce and to avoid being seen by people she started going to the temple early. However, one day in the temple itself, a woman inquired about the situation, Kusha’s mother said that she felt so sad that she cried a lot after coming home. Then Kusha’s father explained to her that life is full of ups and downs. After this, someone went to that woman and said, ‘Do you go to the temple to talk about all these things?’ When the woman realized her mistake, she apologized.