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‘Nobody Says Star Husband’: Mira Rajput Speaks Out On Being Labelled A Star Wife!


‘Nobody Says Star Husband’: Mira Rajput Speaks Out On Being Labelled A Star Wife!

By Mamon

December 03, 2022

Mira Rajput is referred to as the star wife whenever she is talked about in the media. In 2015, after her marriage to actor Shahid Kapoor, Mira has become a content creator and YouTuber. She is an investor championing homegrown brands online.

Mira is 13 years younger than Shahid. She is being referred to as the star wife in the seven years she has been married to the actor. She said how the derogatory term should be dropped altogether.

Mira explained why the label should be banned as well as mentioning the children of the stars. She said, “We ought to get over it now. Maybe it was an association that one needed to make for recall value. But even if you put that on a kid, and you say star kid, people don’t like listening to ‘star kid’ for all of its nepotistic connotations and all of that. But that term is still in use, like it needs to kind of find its way out and likewise, I have never understood the concept of a star wife, what does that mean?”

Mira further said, “You can have an actor or celebrity or a star who has a wife or a husband, nobody says star husband, why is there a star wife?” The Bollywood pair Mira and Shahid got married in 2015. They are parents to two young children. They have a six-year-old Misha. On the other hand, they have four-year-old Zain. The actor appears in Mira’s YouTube videos online. They are one of the cutest couples in B’town.