Preparing for a Music Festival – What you Need to Know

Summer is here in the US and that means it is time for music festivals, which are held all over the country from the Canadian border all the way to Southern California. Your experience very much depends on the level of preparation and with that in mind, here is our ultimate guide to prepping for a music festival.

Do your research

Music festivals can vary; the venue, the acts, the way the gig is managed, the type of ground and so many other variables that come into play. The Internet hosts a wealth of information and you should be able to find out what you need to know to prepare for the event, then you can book your tickets, knowing what to expect. Check out music forums for the latest news on up-and-coming events and with a lot of information, you will be well-prepared.

Choose your companions carefully

There’s nothing worse than going to a festival with the wrong people; make sure that you know your companions well enough to be sure they aren’t going to cause any issues. Many friendships get burned because they went to a festival together and it didn’t work out, so make sure you choose the right people to accompany you.

Budget for the event

If you don’t work out how much you are prepared to spend, you’ll probably end up spending a lot more than you should. 

Typical expenses include:

  • Travel – Gas if you are taking your car; public transport if you are not.
  • Accommodation – Motels, campsite costs.
  • Food & drink – Put a cap on your drinks budget.
  • Any extras that you might prefer.

If you are carrying cash, make sure that you wear a money belt or at least keep your wallet safe.

Packing for a festival

Whether a one-day event or multiple days, you need to pack essentials; if you are taking your car, you should have all the space you need, otherwise a small backpack should be enough. Always remember it can rain at any time, so make sure you have something to keep you dry should the heavens open. If you are planning to wear that stunning mesh dress, pack a sweater or cardigan in case it gets cold.

Campsite tips

A big festival means hundreds if not thousands of tents and finding yours might be harder than you think. Buy a few helium balloons and tie them to your tent pole and this will make it much easier to locate your pitch. As soon as you arrive, find out where the restrooms are and if you can, pitch your tent close by.

If you prepare well, the gig should be one to be remembered for all the right reasons and with a few months left of the festival season, we are planning our next outing.