Priyanka Chopra On Quarantine, “Nick Is Type-I Diabetic, So We Had To Isolate Immediately”

A coming together of desi and videsi, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are one of the most sensational couple out there. The two got married in 2018 and have spent some of the craziest times together. However, their vacations and trips have come to a halth due to coronavirus. The two immediately went into quarantine after the outbreak of COVID-19. And here’s what Priyanka has to say about the same. Priyanka Chopra On Quarantine, “Nick Is Type-I Diabetic.

While speaking to Vogue, Priyanka revealed that she got the news of COVID-19 outbreak in January and knew she had to act fast. “I’m the daughter of a physician, so I spoke to my mom and understood the severity of what it was—and what it could be if it wasn’t handled soon,” she said.

The couple was supposed to be in Mumbai for the Holi celebration but they cancelled the trip due to COVID-19 pandemic. “Nick and I made quick decisions about the most responsible things to do and made sure our family was taken care of—we checked in on people, and explained what the coronavirus was,” she shared.

Priyanka further revealed that husband Nick Jonas is type 1 diabetic and had to isolate them as soon as possible. “Nick is a Type 1 diabetic, so we felt it was important to go into quarantine almost immediately,” she said.

When she asked about how she is spending the time at their home, she said, “Nick and I have used the quarantine not only to spend time with each other but also to sharpen our creative skills and to write and develop projects we want to produce.”

The couple has been watching movies, reading and playing the piano. Yes, Priyanka shares how Nick is her in-house piano teacher. “He’s an in-house piano teacher, an in-house physical trainer, and an in-house writing partner—it’s good. I’ve taken a hip-hop dance class too because I miss dancing! But I’ve also been working on my book a lot, and this time is going to help me finish it” she said. Priyanka Chopra On Quarantine, “Nick Is Type-I Diabetic

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