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Promote Hair Growth With These Yoga Poses; Read More

If you’ve been searching for a way to grow hair faster and thicker, why don’t you try these 5 yoga poses for hair health?

If you think your hair is falling too much, don’t feel crushed. We have curated a list of yoga poses that are known to grow hair faster and accelerate their volume too! These simple yoga asanas will ensure that you’re able to grow hair faster, making it lustrous and voluminous.

Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, director of The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, explained that yoga asana helps prevent hair fall through various mechanisms. Practising yoga asanas regularly can contribute to overall health and well-being, which can indirectly impact the health of the hair.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog pose)

This yoga pose is weight-bearing and will strengthen your arms and legs. It also opens the sides of your body and, hence, increases the opening in the lungs. An increase in oxygen in the entire system can be achieved by doing this asana. The blood flow into the brain increases because of gravity. The flow of oxygenated blood to the brain strengthens the hair follicles and helps to grow hair faster.

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Balasana has a positive effect on the ankles and hips, and it beautifully stretches the entire back. This pose provides immense relief from stress and calms and cools the mind. The nervous system gets into a state of regeneration, and this has a positive effect on the adrenal glands and the reproductive glands. This, in turn, can benefit our hair health and promote faster hair growth.


What we observed immediately after the practice of Kapalbhati was a calm and focused mind. It had an immediate impact on the nervous system, which puts it at ease and promotes regeneration in the entire body, mind, and soul. Through its rejuvenating effect, hair growth can be positively stimulated.

Shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

In Sarvangasana, the chin moves closer to the chest (chin lock), and the thyroid gland gets squeezed. This leads to a decrease in blood circulation. But the minute you release the pose, there is a tremendous increase in blood flow into the thyroid gland which can have a very positive effect on the thyroid and hence on hair growth.

Headstand (Sirsasana)

In this yoga pose, there is a tremendous increase in blood flow to the brain. This positively affects the pituitary and pineal gland. Not only does it, stimulate the lymphatic flow positively, but calms the nervous system too. All of it put together offers a tremendous benefit for hair and makes your hair stronger.

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