Biz & Tech

Promoting Gender Equity in Research and Leadership Roles

By Himshikha Shukla

July 14, 2023

Intrigued by the stars and the galaxy? It was a female scientist who first discovered the existence of a comet! Amazed at the Research Triangle Institute and its contribution to science? Gertrude Cox, the famous biostatistician, founded it. Wondering who first discovered industrial illness? It was Alice Hamilton, the famous epidemiologist. Marveling at the technology and how we have come a long way? It was Ada Lovelace who brought computer programming to light.  Women have always been a part of research, scientific or otherwise. Now that the world of research and leadership has revolutionized, we need more women at the forefront than before. 

The article below will discuss how promoting gender equity in workplaces and institutions leads to more women in the field of research and science. Want to know how can gender equality be achieved? Keep reading! 

1. Women in STEM 

Women make up around 42% of the total number of science professionals and merely 15% in STEM management roles. Women are also paid lesser compared to their male colleagues. Although this may sound discouraging for women planning to enter into research fields, it should instead work as a driving force. The more women enter the field of science and research, the easier it is to have an equal footing in the field. 

From biostatistics, epidemiology, and maths, women have made mind-boggling discoveries that have changed the world. So, what are you waiting for? Get that master’s degree in a STEM-related field you have always wanted to pursue. Because what is better than getting a degree like an online masters in biostatistics and epidemiology from well-reputed universities? Who knows, you might be the next Gertrude Cox! 

2. The biased battleground- addressing workplace culture 

Because men have assumed the role of leaders for so long, little ground has been provided for women. Associating leadership roles with traits like masculinity has created a biased battleground. 

Incidents of sexual harassment and weak legislation related to paid maternity leaves leave little room for women to grow into leadership roles. Yes, The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) enables some employees to take up to 12 weeks unpaid maternity leave. However, only 60% of the workers are eligible, leaving many with unpaid leave. 

The discrimination faced by women of color is another reason which holds them back from being promoted or even paid the same as their white female colleagues. 

3. Promoting gender equality through diversity 

Wage gaps, weak sexual harassment policies, and unfair promotion procedures will disallow women from climbing the corporate ladder. 

Women earn 84 cents on a man’s dollar. It is sad and, at the same time, mind-boggling that in the year 2023, when the world has revolutionized, women are still not paid the same. Gender equality can drastically improve just by closing up the crass wage gap. 

Additionally, focusing on diversity during the recruitment process can dramatically change things. That will allow women of color to have equal opportunities and exposure, leading to more women taking up leadership roles. Black and brown representation matters! 

4. Offering flexibility and paid maternity/paternity leaves 

Around 40% of the women do not qualify for maternity leave under the Family Medical Leave Act, while only 12% working in the private sector are offered paid leave. Despite being one of the richest countries, it is sad to witness an absence of federal legislature ensuring the protection of women. 

The family medical leave Act also does not include any paid paternity leaves. Fathers who qualify under the act can merely take unpaid leave to and with their child and take care of their partner. That unpaid leaves result in women being the child’s sole caretaker until the leave is over. Unfortunately, that affects their work progress and promotions while men continue to climb the corporate ladder. 

Providing equal opportunities to women is important in preparing women for leadership roles. A strong gender-sensitized legislature can help curb the issue. Making paid leaves mandatory can drastically create changes for the good! 

5. Preparing Women for leadership roles 

Career advancement programs and training for women empowerment can help build an inclusive working environment. While training will prepare women to become fit for higher positions, it will also allow them to be more confident in themselves. 

Giving women the same opportunities and delegating tasks helps prepare them to lead the team. That will also allow women to connect and form a network for themselves. 

6. Providing decision-makers with gender equality training 

It is important to address and effectively change the workplace culture, which can only be done if the decision-makers are gender sensitized. 

That means from the committee members to the managers, and everyone with the decision-making power, to be provided with gender-equality training. That would make more women feel comfortable and confident about the fact that their complaints of harassment will not go unheard.

7. Women in the committees 

Yes, providing gender equality training is a terrific idea. What could contribute more towards a gender-sensitive environment? More women in the committees and management. 

To promote gender equality, ensuring that a certain number of women are present can ensure drastic improvements. Giving women decision-making power will ensure that the company policies are gender-neutral. Moreover, any non-discrimination based on sex would be effectively handled. 

8. Create a social dialogue

Workplace issues can be taken care of if a social dialogue is created. Enacting workplace policies on harassment, following through the complaints, and taking strict action against the employees is the gateway to a gender-sensitized company. 

Pay transparency will also ensure that women are paid equally for the same work. Also, pay attention to the legal and political changes, ensuring that your company policies align with the changes. 


Be it law, medicine, or filmmaking, women have always been at the forefront. From discovering comets and cures, there is no career women have not been a part of. 

To raise the next generation of strong and empowered women, it is time that social dialogue is initiated and the workplace culture is addressed. That will help women take up leadership roles and dominate the workforce.