Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone will present an award at the 95th Academy Awards. She flew in from Mumbai on Friday night. A paparazzo account shared a video on Instagram. In the video, we can see Deepika gracefully getting out of her car at the Mumbai airport. The Pathaan actress smiled as she posed for the paparazzi before heading inside the airport gates.
Deepika posed for the paparazzi. She said, “Thank you.” For her travel, Deepika wore a black turtleneck sweater under a matching blazer. She paired it with denim as well as heels. The diva carried a bag with her. She wore glasses too.
Fans commented, “Naina Talwar back again,” “No one is doing it like HER, I repeat NO ONE,” “Deepika is the most humble,” “Proud moment loading,” “She is heading for Oscars!” “Deepika Padukone on her way to be a Presenter at the Oscars on 12th March ! THIS IS HUGE,” “Deepika mam….you look very gorgeous” etc.
Deepika’s appearance at the Oscars 2023 will be at a time when India has been nominated in three categories of the award — Original Song, Documentary Feature, and Documentary Short. She will join Emily Blunt, Dwayne Johnson, Samuel L Jackson, Glenn Close, Jennifer Connelly, Michael B Jordan, Janelle Monae, Zoe Saldana, Riz Ahmed, and Melissa McCarthy at the event.
Let us tell you that the gorgeous actress Deepika Padukone is riding on the success of her film Pathaan. She is currently shooting for a sci-fi movie titled Project K. It stars Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan. Deepika has Fighter with Hrithik Roshan in the pipeline too.