Recently, a lot of news has spread about Rakhi Sawant, who is known as the drama queen of the entertainment industry. Rakhi has often been spotted with Adil DurraniĀ ever since she told the world about her boyfriend Adil. The meeting of the two has become a hot topic on social media. Meanwhile, news arrives that Rakhi has remarried, this time with Adil as her partner.
Several photographs are circulating on the Internet, in which the two are holding a marriage certificate in their hands. Seeing such photos of Rakhi, fans are also very surprised and curious.Rakhi and Adil’s relationship has always been in the spotlight. In public, they openly showed their affection for each other.
However, Rakhi seems to have given their relationship a new name. Rakhi Sawant and Adil Durrani are married secretly away from the world. They married under civil law, and after the court marriage, the first photo of the two with wreaths(varmala) around their necks was released.
Several photos of Adil and Rahi have surfaced on social media. In the published photo, Rocky is dressed in a white and pink sharara, and Adil is seen in normal outfit. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt. In the published photo, they are holding an official marriage certificate.
At the same time, in the second photo, the two signed a marriage certificate. When this photo caught the people’s eye, the fans were amazed. Let us tell you Adil Khan Durrani is 6 years younger than Rakhi Sawant and is a businessman.