The drama queen of Bollywood, Rakhi Sawant, is once again in the spotlight for an unexpected reason: she claims to have approached A-list actresses Alia Bhatt and Vidya Balan to play her in a biopic. Rakhi’s life story is no less dramatic than a movie, and the idea of a biopic detailing her journey from the beginning to where she stands today is intriguing. However, the choice of Alia or Vidya to portray her has raised many eyebrows and generated a lot of mockery to her.
Rakhi Sawant wants Alia Bhatt or Vidya Balan as her Biopic actress
Rakhi Sawant shared a video in which she confidently stated that she had approached Alia Bhatt and Vidya Balan to play her in a biopic. This bold declaration caught the attention of netizens, who found it quite unbelievable. While Rakhi’s life has been filled with dramatic twists and turns, having such acclaimed actresses take on her role seems like a stretch even for her.
Netizens Respond with Trolls
The video of Rakhi Sawant pitching Alia and Vidya for her biopic has become the talk of social media, with netizens responding in various ways. Some mockingly suggested that Alia is beyond Rakhi’s league and should not even be mentioned. Others expressed concern for Rakhi’s well-being, urging her to seek medical help and stop making such statements.
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Netizens React this way
Reacting to her statement, One user mocked her and said,” Alia teri aukaat ke bahar hai, usko naam bhi mat le”. Another user commented,” Yar Isko hospital le jao koi”. The other wrote, “what a joke.Tum Dolly Bindra ya Bebika Dhurve ko le lo.” Even someone said,” Industry me bane rehne ke liye kya kya bolti hai ye. ” Well, Rakhi often faces trolls on social media for her antics, yet she is unstoppable.
Rakhi Sawant-Adil Durrani controversy
Despite facing regular trolling and criticism on social media for her eccentric behaviour, Rakhi Sawant continues to be unstoppable. Her recent headlines were not just about her ambitious biopic plans but also involved a public dispute with her husband, Adil Durrani. Allegations of physical abuse and counterclaims added another layer to Rakhi’s already eventful life.