Famous Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda who has made an impactful mark in the entertainment industry is set to appear in a Hollywood film once again. According to some sources, the actor is set to work with director Sam Hargrave again in Apple Original Films’ upcoming action thriller ‘Matchbox’ in which he will be seen sharing the screen with one of the most successful Hollywood star John Cena who is immensely loved by fans. He previously worked with the director in Netflix’s ‘Extraction’ in the year 2020.
Randeep Hooda
According to a media report, the live-action film, which is inspired by Mattel’s popular Matchbox toy vehicle line, will also star popular Hollywood stars Teyonah Parris, Jessica Biel, and Sam Richardson. The film is currently in production in Budapest. The film is directed by Hargrave, director of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ and ‘Extraction 2’. It is said that the film is based on the famous Matchbox car line, which began in 1953 when Jack Odell created a toy that fit in a matchbox for his daughter.
Randeep Hooda
Randeep Hooda recently attended an interview in which he has expressed his excitement about working with Hargrave again. The actor said, “Excited to work with Sam again. We had a great time working together in ‘Extraction’. Sam is a master of high-octane storytelling and action. Happy to join the team in Budapest.” It is well known that Randeep is a well known as established actor in the industry.
Randeep Hooda
If we talk about the work front of popular and powerful actor Randeep Hooda, then let us tell you that he has many exciting projects. He recently directed and acted in ‘Swatantrya Veer Savarkar’. Among his upcoming works is ‘Jaat’ starring Sunny Deol and directed by Gopichand Malineni. According to reports, he is also associated with ‘Arjun Ustra’ directed by Vishal Bhardwaj.