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“Ranveer Singh and Johnny Sins’ Comic Genius: A Hilarious Twist on Men’s Sexual Health”

“Ranveer Singh and Johnny Sins’ Hilarious Take on Men’s Sexual Health in New Ad”

The dynamic duo reunites for another sidesplitting parody advertisement on men’s sexual health.

 The New Ad

Ranveer Singh plays the host of a TV show on men’s sexual health, clad in a quirky velvet suit and peach shirt.He asks viewers in cryptic, humorous metaphors if they’re experiencing any sexual issues, like, “Kya aapki kulfi khane se pehle hi pighal jati hai? (Does your ice cream melt before you can eat it)?”

Johnny Sins appears as “Johnny Science,” an expert suggesting solutions with comedic flair, jokingly quipping about not having done an MBA.

The ad features a hilarious scenario where a woman complains to Ranveer about his fictional brother, portrayed by Johnny, dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Reactions and Impact

Written by Tanmay Bhat, Devaiah Bopanna, and their team, the ad garnered massive attention and laughs online.

Ranveer Singh expressed his commitment to using his influence for positive awareness and change in men’s sexual health.

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