Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone make the most beautiful couple in Bollywood. They married last year in November and have been giving couple goals ever since. The PDA is world known and whether it is in real life or on social media, they make it clear that the two are head over heels. We got a glimpse of their PDA once again at the IIFA Award function when Ranveer Singh was caught kissing Deepika before accepting his award.
Ranveer kissing Deepika before going to collect his best actor award 🥰❤️❤️#deepveer #IIFA2019 pic.twitter.com/ygY9a7OqLh
— We Love Deepveer (@welovedeepveer) 18 September 2019
At the award show, Ranveer and Deepika were seen engrossed in each other. Another video of them, where the two are seen talking to each other and laughing, is also going viral.
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In his speech during the award show, Ranveer praised her wifey Deepika and called her a perfectionist.
Ranveer Singh bagged the Best Actor award at IIFA 2019 for his role in Padmaavat. Ranveer and Deepika both played lead roles in Padmaavat. Ranveer, however, wasn’t Deepika’s love interest in the film. Ranveer Singh played the role of Alauddin Khilji in Padmaavat and Deepika Padukone played Rani Padmavati.