One of the most talented actresses Rashmika Mandanna who has made her mark in both South Indian industry and Bollywood attended the trailer launch of her upcoming movie ‘Chhava’ in Mumbai but was limping due to a leg injury. She recently shared a post on her social media handle in which she revealed that she has suffered three fractures in her leg and a muscle strain. She longs to stand on both her feet since it will take time.
Rashmika Mandanna
Let us tell you that recently Rashmika Mandanna was seen at the trailer launch event of her upcoming film ‘Chhava.’ Now the actress has posted some of her videos and pictures on her Instagram handle of her getting ready for the trailer launch event in Mumbai and also revealed how severe her injury is. She has also shared photos of her medical reports and X-rays which her fans are getting worried about now.
Rashmika Mandanna’ Injury
The first video clip shared by the actress shows Rashmika sitting in a wheelchair and getting ready for the ‘Chhava’ trailer launch. The video then shows her co-actor Vicky Kaushal helping her as she limps toward the stage at the launch event. The next clip shows Rashmika’s friend writing something on the plaster tied to her leg to motivate her for getting cure. The next pictures show her medical reports and X-rays, which show three fractures.
Rashmika Mandanna
Sharing the pictures on social media, Rashmika wrote in the caption of the photo, ‘My girls have made it so cute, but there are 3 fractures and a muscle tear inside. (PS: not so cute). I haven’t put my foot down for 2 weeks, I really miss standing on my own two feet. Please take care of yourself. And don’t take it lightly when people tell you so..!! I am holding all of you with love and strength. Biggest hug to all of you.’