One of the most successful and veteran actors of Bollywood Raj Kapoor’s 100th birth anniversary is coming up. Before this occasion, the entire Kapoor family met Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and exchanged gifts with each other. On this special occasion of meeting and greeting each other, everyone gave special gifts to PM Modi in return for which he also gave a special gift to the children of the Kapoor family.
Kapoor Family Met PM Modi
Let us tell you that Armaan Jain and Ranbir Kapoor gifted one special item out of 10 or 12 items of the Kapoor family to PM Modi. During this interaction with the prime minister Armaan Jain said that we want to present this to you. On this, PM Modi said, “I will keep this special gift in the PM Museum built here”. On this, a big smile came on the faces of all the people of the Kapoor family present and they all clapped with enthusiasm.
Kapoor Family Met PM Modi
During this Bollywood actress Neetu Kapoor gave a cute picture of Ganpati Ji to PM Narendra Modi as a gift, on seeing which PM Modi said Jai Ganesh. While Nikhil Nanda and Nitasha Anand gave PM Modi a bag with Raj Kapoor’s picture on it. Perhaps it may contain a CD of Raj Kapoor’s films or a CD of songs.
Kapoor Family Met PM Modi
While having a conversation with Mr Modi, Neetu Kapoor said that Riddhima Kapoor has waited for 10 years to give this special gift to PM Modi hearing that he was shocked and lovingly blessed Riddhima by placing his hand on her head. Karisma Kapoor was also present there and gave a packed gift during this time, whose packing itself made it seem that the gift was very special. During this, PM Modi took photographs with everyone and talked to everyone.