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Rekindle Your Relationship With Daily Intercourse; Know Other Benefits

Making love to your spouse every day is the best method to maintain a good sexual life, which in turn promotes general health. Healthy sex not only promotes reproduction but also enhances social, mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Sexual activity benefits you more than just preventing illnesses and unintended pregnancies. It also helps you maintain a healthy mentality. Having satisfying sex daily is quite acceptable, and this article will show you the potential health advantages.

Health Benefits of Daily Sex

Did you know that sex boosts cardiovascular health and keeps your heart healthy? So what more does everyday sex do to your personal life?  Well, it reduces the risk of high blood sugar. Again, it burns calories and boosts libido.  It also decreases the risks of heart disease, hypertension, and strokes. (Read More: How Yoga Can Improve Your Sex Life; Know Here)

Dr. Shirish C. Malde, a Mumbai-based sexologist, briefly explains the benefits of having sex daily. He states, “Sex daily is beneficial for various reasons, including de-stressing, building trust and intimacy, reducing the risk of prostate cancer, regulating menstrual cycles, promoting healthier semen, strengthening pelvic muscles, and preventing erectile dysfunction.”

Good Sleep

Intense sex makes your body release happy hormones called oxytocin and endorphins that boost intimacy and the urge to do it repeatedly. These sex hormones aid in better sleep, and good sleep leads to a longer life, a strong immune system, satisfied sleep, and keeping you energetic the whole day.

Lowers Stress

Regular sexual activity lowers stress levels by elevating endorphin levels, which in turn elevate sexual moods. Remember that having sex is a type of exercise that helps you stay relaxed and reduce tension. Just kiss your lover if you are feeling stressed. It’s easy, isn’t it? Yes, it is the healthiest and quickest approach to reducing stress.

Reduces the risk of Blood Pressure

Well, high levels of stress can raise your blood pressure. The more sex you have, the more you’ll notice that you’re reducing your stress and lowering your blood pressure. Because masturbation calms tensions and maintains mental clarity, it also lowers blood pressure risks.

It makes you look younger

It is no longer a fantasy to see the dawn light. If you have dry skin or acne, think about having sex with your spouse every day. You’ll notice that your skin is becoming more lively in texture. It’s possible to attribute this natural glow to both good thoughts and stress release. You will build a good connection faster the more you do it. Saying yes to daily sex can give your skin a shine.

It helps with period pains

Are you experiencing menstrual pain? Having sex throughout your menstrual cycle might help it go away. Although doing so may seem awkward, it does help and reduces the chance of becoming pregnant. If you are uncomfortable having sex when you are on your period, try gazing at a picture of your significant other.

You will notice that the discomfort of your period is lessening. It’s a psychological way of getting rid of really bad period discomfort. To eliminate period discomfort, you should also think about having an orgasm.

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