Popular actor Rohit Roy has exhibited his fine acting chops in both TV and films. He was performing well on Rohit Shetty’s show ‘Khatron ke Khiladi 13’ before taking a voluntary exit due to physical injury. In a recent conversation with Siddharth Kannan, the actor opened up getting out of work a few years back. he also revealed dialing up filmmaker Karan Johar for the same since he has often praised him for his projects.
Talking about his professional life, Rohit said that he is comparatively in a better place today in his career than he was some time ago. He was getting minimum opportunities for work. The actor shared that he has called people and said that he wants to work with them.
Recalling a recent incident, he told that he phoned Karan and asked that he keeps saying ‘You’re doing good work’ and they know each other for such a long time, but why doesn’t he offer him work. Rohit then realised that there are so many people who are there, who are doing their own thing. Everybody is on their own struggle.
Later in the chat, the actor joked that maybe after this interview, Karan will call him and say that he is a part of Rocky Aur Rani Part 2.
Furthermore, Rohit revisited his career of 25 years in the industry. He mentioned that he had gone through more of lows than highs in this duration. The actor said that he is thankful for having sailed through it and never giving up on tough times despite being an outsider.
For the unversed, Rohit Roy gained fame from TV shows like ‘Swabhimaan‘ and ‘Des Mein Nikla Hoga Chand’. Some of his commendable work in films include ‘Kaabil’, ‘Shootout At Lokhandwala’, and ‘Dus Kahaniyaan‘.