Actor Saif Ali Khan is recovering in Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital after being stabbed by an intruder at his Bandra residence early Thursday morning. The incident occurred around 2:30 am when Saif confronted an unknown man who had entered his 11th-floor apartment and threatened his maid. In an attempt to protect his family, Saif intervened, resulting in a violent altercation that left him with multiple stab wounds.
Doctors performed a complex surgery to remove a 2.5-inch knife lodged in his thoracic spinal cord and repair spinal fluid leakage caused by the injury. Saif is currently out of danger but remains under close observation in the ICU.
While fans and well-wishers have flooded social media with messages of support, others have taken a more insensitive route, cracking jokes about the incident. Memes have surfaced on X (formerly Twitter), mocking the actor’s first name by calling Bandra “unSaif” and creating fictional scenarios involving Saif’s son, Taimur Ali Khan, seeking revenge in a style reminiscent of Ranbir Kapoor’s character from Animal.
Can y’all please have some shame and stop making jokes about Saif Ali khan getting stabbed? The man got stabbed protecting his family. Your wannabe funny attitude is only showing how insensitive and phoney you all really are. — Harsh (@Harsh_hunt_) January 16, 2025
However, this wave of “dark humor” has been met with backlash from Saif’s fans and others calling for sensitivity. One user wrote, “Can y’all please have some shame and stop making jokes about Saif Ali Khan getting stabbed? The man got stabbed protecting his family. Your wannabe funny attitude is only showing how insensitive and phoney you all really are.”
Another user commented, “Not to be the friend that’s too woke, but why are you guys so weird about the whole Saif Ali Khan situation? People will say ANYTHING and term it as dark humor. It’s really saddening what has become of this world.”
not to be the friend that’s too woke but why are you guys so weird about the whole saif ali khan situation — kp (@earthlykisssed) January 16, 2025
Saif’s fans have urged people to consider the gravity of the situation and show respect to the actor, who sustained serious injuries in an act of bravery.
Meanwhile, police are investigating the incident, including the identity and motive of the attacker. Security measures around the actor’s residence have been tightened, and his family is reportedly safe. Saif’s recovery is being closely monitored, and updates about his condition are expected soon.